안녕하세요 Kratos 입니다.


-본 제품은 비비탄이 발사되는 방식이며성인용 완구총(비비탄총입니다컬러파트와 파워는 국내 관련법규를 준수하고 있습니다.


-20세 미만은 구매 불가 합니다.


-본 제품은 총포화약안전기술협회로부터 모의총포에 해당없음으로 판정된 제품이며한국생활시험연구원의 KC안전인증을 거쳐합격판정을 받은 완제품 입니다.


-불법개조시(칼라파트 제거파워업)총포도검화약류 단속법에 의해 처벌 받습니다.


불법개조된 제품은 A/S를 받을 수 없습니다.

  GATE TITAN V2 NGRS Advance Set (Front Wired) for Tokyo Marui Next Generation Series

 The advanced set version: at once you purchase all you need to take total advantage from TITAN. Advanced Set contains TITAN with ADVANCED firmware edition.

Transform your Tokyo Marui Next Generation AEG into an advanced training weapon system. Adjust your weapon and check the Statistics using USB-Link and GATE Control Station app for PC, MAC and Android devices. TITAN V2 NGRS has the whole new trigger sensor, which allows to set hair trigger with ludicrous precision: at least 50 sensitivity levels for first millimeter of trigger movement. The innovative 3rd generation trigger sensor offers you even 420 possible sensitivity settings. Gain a unique tactical advantage thanks to the extremely fast trigger response and lots of other useful functions. Boost your AEG with computerized technology. Give your AEG a new lease of life!